March 13, 2019

The Path to Successful Employment for Arab Jobseekers

There is a growing recognition across both the governmental and non-governmental spheres that the integration of Israel’s Arab minority into the mainstream workplace will serve as a key lever for integration generally. For the past five years, initiatives such as Co-Impact (CI) have been leading the way – in this case, working to help leading Israeli companies change their organizational processes and cultures to be not just more accommodating, but welcoming, to minority candidates. The Applied Center for Psychology of Social Change has played an important role as lead consultant to CI on the socio-psychological aspects of this process, developing tools and interventions for improving procedures for recruiting, on-boarding, managing diverse teams, and promoting minority employees, as well as on key aspects of improving organizational culture within the companies. This process has been showing results. Research led by Professor Tamar Saguy, Professor Eran Halperin, and Dr. Rana Abbas.

Recommended Resources
Employment Among Arab Women Increases to 40 Percent
Unemployed Academically Educated Arab Women in Israel | Massar Institute Study
Israel Employment Service Report Excerpts: May 2020 Unemployment

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