Sheikh Moafaq Tarif, Spiritual Leader of Israel’s Druze Community | Jan 22
Israel’s Druze community is part of the Arab minority, but also its own unique ethnic and religious group. While suffering from many of the socio-economic gaps shared by Arab citizens as a whole, the Druze have historically had a less fraught relationship with the state of Israel, as evidenced by the high rates of military conscription among Druze men. Sheikh Moafaq Tarif has been the Druze’ spiritual leader since 1993, continuing a lineage of spiritual leadership tracing back to 1753.
The Task Force and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations hosted Sheikh Moafaq Tarif for a luncheon, during which he shared his vision for the Druze community in Israel, and his efforts to promote stronger connections among all of Israel’s faiths.
Event Details
Tuesday, January 22nd – New York
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