This past May, Israel’s mixed cities were at the heart of the violent eruptions and clashes that sent shockwaves throughout the country. Home to 8% of Israel’s Arab citizens (25% counting East Jerusalem), these cities are the only ones in which Jews and Arabs have sustained communities side-by-side under the same municipality for many years. What about Arab communities in mixed cities made them ripe for such outpouring this year? What can they tell us about efforts to strengthen Jewish-Arab relations in these communities and beyond?
Join us for a presentation and discussion with Jaffa-born Daniel Monterescu, Associate Professor of Urban Anthropology at the Central European University, renowned expert on ethnic relations in mixed cities in Israel, to explore the background and characteristics of mixed cities, what unites and differentiates them, and perspectives on creating stronger inter-communal relations in the future.
Subsequent sessions will look at governance, economic development, education, and shared society realities and efforts.
PODCAST | Jack Khoury - May events of 2021 created a deterrence mechanism for both Jews and Arabs
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