July 25, 2017

New TAFI publications: Surveys of Arab citizens re Higher Education, Personal Security, Report on Public Service Rates

The Abraham Fund Initiatives (TAFI) recently published a monitoring report and the results of two surveys:

Public Service Monitoring Report

Implementation of Government Resolution towards representation of Arab, Druze and Circassian Populations in Public Service: The monitoring report reviews the implementation of past government resolutions which aimed to increase the representation of Arab, Druze, and Circassian citizens in public service.  The report found that  “[w]hile the overall rate of Arab workers in Public Service passed the 10% mark, many of the Ministries, including those of critical relevance and importance to the Arab minority, remain with an insignificant level of Arab representation.” Click here for the monitoring report (English)


Index of Personal Security in Arab Towns | Summary
The survey examined the public opinion of Arab citizens regarding feelings of personal security in Arab towns today in the context of rising crime rates in Arab society and the complex, often problematic, relations with Israel’s national police force. According to the findings, 54% of Arabs feel there is a problem of violence in their localities (compared with 12% of Jews) and 61% of Arab society is “unhappy” with levels of policing in their localities (compared with 53% in Jewish society). Click here to read the complete summary of the survey’s findings (English)

Culturally Sensitive Campuses in Israel? Summary of Arab Student Response
TAFI surveyed 1,345 Arab students in colleges throughout Israel about issues of discrimination, provisions for religious needs, and presence of Arabic language and culture on campus. See the main results in an infographic (English) here:

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