Launch of “A List” Promotes Arab Voices in Israel’s Public Sphere
“A List” is a new online database of Arab experts in fields ranging from high-tech, law, medicine, education, gender, and more. Launched in May by ANU in collaboration with Sikkuy, the website aims to bridge representational gaps in Israel’s public sphere by serving as a professional tool for journalists, producers, conference organizers, and editors providing them access to and information on expert Arab voices. There are currently almost 100 full profiles on “A List” and ANU is hoping to expand this number to 250 by the year’s end.
Recent research conducted by Sikkuy, Seventh Eye Magazine, and the Berl Katzanalson Foundation has found that Arab citizens are significantly under-represented in mainstream Israeli media. Studies show that although Arab citizens comprise nearly 21% of the Israeli population, only 2% of all published material in the Hebrew media references Arab society and within this 2%, 39% of references are connected to security issues and 34% to crime and violence. According to “A List”, this underrepresentation “reinforces the invisibility of the Arab citizens from the Israeli public debate, which loses important knowledge, expertise and perspectives.”
“There are so many excellent Arab experts that even many within Arab society don’t know about,” Makbula Nassar, manager of the A-List project, said. The Israeli media tends to seek Arab experts only to discuss Arab issues, but hopefully this will change, she added.
“A List” through its web platform aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of Arab perspectives with the intention that by “diversifying the media, [they] are increasing tolerance and solidarity, countering stereotypes, mistrust and fear” in Israeli society.
Browse the website here.
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