December 8, 2020

Konrad-Adenauer Program Survey – Corona, Politics and Region


Main Findings

  • The idea of creating an Arab-Jewish party prior to the next elections for the Knesset has a relatively high level of support (64.8%) among the Arab community. The rate of voter participation in the Arab community in the next elections is not expected to be high (55.6%) due to the divided opinions over the performance of the MKs in the Joint Arab List: 51.6% of the respondents feel they are performing well, while 45.4% feel they are not.
  • Most of the Arab community (61.8%) supports the normalization agreements signed between Israel and the Arab countries: the UAE, Bahrein and Sudan. On the other hand, 35.5% oppose the agreements, primarily because they are at the expense of the solution of the Palestinian problem.
  • A large majority of the Arab community (73.9%) are satisfied with the result of the US presidential elections. Almost one-quarter (24.6%) feel that the involvement of the US in the Middle East is now likely to reinforce stability in the region. Following the US are Turkey (20.0%), the EU (11.0%) and the Gulf Arab states (8.9%).
  • The economic situation of most of the Arab community (61.6%) has deteriorated in the last year as a result of the Corona crisis. There was a moderate level of satisfaction with how the following senior figures dealt with the Corona crisis: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein, ex-Corona project manager Professor Ronny Gamzu and the Corona project manager in the Arab community Ayman Saif.
  • The most important issues for Arab citizens are the eradication of crime and violence (51.9%) and trailing far behind that: improving the economic situation and dealing with poverty and unemployment (13.4%), regulation of planning and building in Arab localities (13.3%), reducing the level of Corona morbidity in the Arab community (6.2%) and integration of young Arabs into the workforce and institutions of higher education (5.4%).
  • 54.4% of the Arab community feel that the grassroots protest of last summer does not represent Arab citizens. On the other hand, a large majority (75.7%) feel that Arab citizens should express their support for these movements.
Explore Further
Israel Public Employment Service Report: New Registrants in the Employment Service over the Corona Crisis - A comparison between the Arab and Jewish population Learn more
Israel Employment Service Report Excerpts: May 2020 Unemployment Learn more
Recommended Resources
Israel's Third Wave | COVID Infection Rates and Vaccination Challenges in Arab Society

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