IATF/SVF Funder Brown Bag: New Government Actions Related to Arab Society
The Social Venture Fund for Jewish-Arab Equality and Shared Society (SVF), an IATF member organization and partner, collaborated with IATF’s Foundation Forum to host IATF’s second virtual Brown Bag on New Government Actions Related to Arab Society. Ofer Dagan (Sikkuy-Aufoq) and IATF’s Ilan Amit discussed how new government actions are expected to affect Arab society.
Above, Ofer and Ilan review their PowerPoint presentation and discuss consequential coalition agreements and ongoing efforts to track relevant government actions. Government actions discussed include GR-550 and its effect on local Arab authorities; the GR-1834 plan for mixed cities; how GR-549 is intended to combat crime and violencein Arab society; and GR-1279 and Negev Bedouin communities. The PowerPoint presented by Ofer and Ilan can be viewed here.
The discussion was held on January 26, 2023 on Zoom. The PowerPoint was created with the assistance of Nasreen Hadad Haj’Yahya (NAS Consulting, The Portland Trust).
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