The current wave of attacks in Israel has increased tensions between Jewish and Arab citizens. A number of civil society organizations have taken steps to stem deterioration in Jewish-Arab relations and create opportunities for public participation in strengthening mutual understanding and support through this difficult period.
Below are short descriptions and links where available to these initiatives. We will continue to add to this post as we learn about more.
Check back here for additions and email us with initiatives we may not have included.
Givat Haviva: Partnership Tent
“In response to the rising tensions and increase in violence, Givat Haviva has erected and is manning a Partnership Tent for residents of the area, groups, and leaders to meet and dialogue in a neutral setting. As part of this initiative, a call has been issued by Givat Haviva and partners in the Shared Communities Program. To show their committment to these values, Givat Haviva and several the Mayors of neighboring Jewish & Arab towns Issueed this Declaration.”
“At a time of increased violence and vitriol, it is important for us to demonstrate that real possibilities for peace do in fact exist here. We want to let everyone know that there are alternative ways to what we currently hear in the news. Hagar is launching a campaign, primarily online, that will be asking people to #PublicizePeace, in place of the horrific stories we hear every day in the news. That is why we will begin sharing stories from our teachers, families, students and other community members. The Facebook Campaign allows people to change their profile picture with their name spelled in three languages.”
Sikkuy: Call to prevent dismissal of Arab employees
“Termination of Employment purely based on the fact that someone is Arab and/or because the worker expressed her or his views on Facebook – difficult as those may be – is illegal. We are concerned about the influx of racist calls to fire Arabs circulated in recent days on social networks. Therefore, we turned yesterday with a letter to the Ministrer of Economy, MK Aryeh Deri, in an urgent call to speak up: You must act before this situation develops into a sweeping wave of unlawful firings. We must not let the atmosphere of fear bring a wave of layoffs of Arabs from the workplaces, which will gravely hurt efforts to stimulate economic and social equality and prospects for building a shared society. In the case of a threat or notice of dismissal it is highly recommended to urgently contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.”
“On Tuesday, October 13th, the Mayor’s Forum operated by the JDC Institute for Leadership and Governance, convened a special meeting. Forty-five Jewish and Arab mayors from the North and South of Israel met to spur dialogue between all sides and discuss matters calmly to find a path forward. During the meeting, tensions and concerns were candidly shared, and there was even room for some healthy humor. Together they confirmed their commitment to form a bridge of peace in these difficult times. Meetings such as these should not be taken for granted. “We have injured and dead people, and most Arabs don’t want to see Jews and most Jews don’t want to see Arabs,” MK Zohir Bahalul said. “That is why this coming together of Jewish and Arab mayors is an important sign of leadership for the social texture of this country.”
Standing Together – Facebook campaign and Peace Rallies
“Standing together is a facebook campaign that calls on Jews and Arabs to STAND TOGETHER against hate and racism.” Organizers met in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth – Jews and Arabs – from all corners of the land, to come up with joint solutions to escalations in fear between Arab and Jewish citizens. On Saturday, October 17th, Standing Together held a joint Jewish-Arab peace rally in Jerusalem attended by thousands.”
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