May 16, 2014

The Association of Exposure, Risk, and Resiliency Factors with PTSD Among Jews and Arabs Exposed to Repeated Acts of Terrorism in Israel

Israel has faced ongoing terrorism since the beginning of the Al Aqsa Intifada in September 2000. The authors examined risk and resiliency factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among 1,117 Jews and 394 Arab adult citizens of Israel during August and September 2004 through telephone interviews. Probable PTSD was found among 6.6% of Jews and 18.0% of Arabs. Predictors of probable PTSD in a multivariate model for Jews were refusal to report income, being traditionally religious, economic and psychosocial resource loss, greater traumatic growth, and lower social support. For Arabs, predictors were low education and economic resource loss among those exposed to terrorism. Findings for only those directly exposed to terrorism were similar to those for the overall national sample.

Hobfoll, Stevan E., Daphna Canetti-Nisim, Robert J. Johnson, Patrick A. Palmieri, Joseph D. Varley, and Sandro Galea


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