Siraj | 5th Al-Naqab Hackathon in Rahat
Bedouin students present at the 5th Al-Naqab Hakathon, Rahat.
The fifth Siraj Hackathon, held on May 28, 2024, at the Cultural Center in Rahat, showcased the ingenuity and creativity of tenth graders from the Bedouin society in the Negev. Over several weeks, high school students developed applications to address real-world needs, guided by Bedouin students from Sami Shamoon College of Engineering and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Siraj, an NGO advancing Hi-tech in Bedouin community, launched the app development competition in partnership with other NGOs in the region in 2019 as part of efforts to bring Israel’s Bedouin into the Startup Nation. Siraj founders are veterans of Israel’s high-tech industry who see significant potential within Bedouin society to address gaps and help develop future generations of skilled and educated Bedouin citizens who can succeed in Israeli high-tech and contribute to the country’s economy.
This year’s hackathon featured twelve groups, each with five high school students from both recognized and unrecognized villages. These groups developed technological solutions for community issues such as emergency response, mutual aid, and employment.
Bedouin students work in groups of five on technological solutions for community issues.
The winning team, from the Tel Sheva Center for Excellence, developed an app to connect users with professionals like electricians and carpenters. The second-place prize went to the Ort Abu Tlol high school team for their emergency response app. Another standout application employed AI technology to support pregnant women and young mothers.
Approximately 250 participants, including a panel of judges from the industry and community, attended the event. Fahima Atawna, CEO of Siraj, highlighted the significance of the hackathon in empowering young minds and fostering technological advancement within the Bedouin society. The event not only celebrated the students’ technical skills but also their ability to identify and solve pressing community needs.
To learn more about Siraj in person, you can meet with Fahima Atawna, who will be visiting NYC and Boston from July 9 to August 6. Contact us to arrange a meeting.
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