International Women’s Day in Israel’s Arab Society
A number of events were held in Arab society to mark International Women’s Day, examples below. These emphasized the advancement of Arab women and reinforced the common interest of Jewish and Arab women in creating a more shared and equal society in Israel. Be-Azmi held an event called “Arab Women in the Labor Force” for 300 Negev Bedouin women. The event connected them to potential employers and emphasized the benefits of labor participation. The Haifa Women’s Coalition, a coalition of four Jewish and Arab women organizations in Haifa, held a special event titled: “Direct Employment as a Feminist Practice” on the fact that many women are employed through temporary agencies and efforts to move towards better rights and job security for women. Sindyanna of the Galilee, a Jewish-Arab organization in Kfar Qana, together with the Workers’ Advice Center (MAAN) held an event, “Weaving a Common Future” where 50 Jewish and Arab women came together to weave baskets and raise awareness about the status of women in Arab society. The Abraham Fund Initiatives (TAFI) launched a campaign to advance Jewish and Arab women’s political participation, highlighting the work of trailblazing Arab and Jewish women in Israel and encouraging the next generation of women leaders.
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