A Seat at the Table: Arab Citizens Aspirations for Shared Political Power in Israel
Thumbnail: July 27 Zoom Call featuring Dr. Rula Hardal (Shalom Hartman Institute).
On August 03, 2023 IATF hosted a webinar titled “A Seat at the Table: Arab Citizens’ Aspirations for Shared Political Power in Israel”. Dr. Rula Hardal, Research Fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute, about Arab talked about aspirations for political influence in Israel. Given the political landscape described in the first session, what are the opportunities and challenges for more substantial and shared citizenship and politics for Arab citizens? How does such a vision relate to the existing political streams in Arab society?
This is the second call of a two-part series. The first, “Overview of Arab Political Parties and Discourses in Israel” with political sociologist Dr. Ameer Fakhoury can be viewed here.
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